The World Nuclear Transport Institute’s (WNTI): an overview of our current work on Transport Security issues.

Ben Whittard - World Nuclear Transport Institute
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The World Nuclear Transport Institute (WNTI) was founded in 1998 to represent the collective interests of the radioactive materials transport sector, and those who rely upon it for the safe, secure, effective and reliable packaging and transport of radioactive material. 20 years after its establishment, WNTI now represents the views and interests of nearly 50 members from across the world. Its membership is diverse, and range from consignors, consignees and carriers, to engineering specialists, insurers and legal entities.In doing so, WNTI hosts a number of specific member working groups, including the SSR-6 industry working group; the Uranium Concentrates Working Group; the Back-End Transport Working Group; the HEXT Working Group; and the Transport Security Working Group.This paper specifically provides an overview of the issues which are of importance regarding Transport Security, as they are considered by the Industry through the Transport Security Working Group. As examples, these include Cyber security of transport assets and Supply chain security. In doing so, it will describe the work completed to date, including an overview of the relevant good practice it has created in coordination with the World Institute for Nuclear Security (WINS), and the work it has done with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and other international organisations. It will also discuss how the Transport Security issues could be dealt in the near future, by working around three central pillars: learning from experience (LfE), industry voice and competency.