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Even prior to the beginning of the nuclear age. the packaging and transportation of nuclear materials was a prime national concern. Nuclear matt:rials such as uranium and plutonium had to be transported safely (and secretly) to the Manhattan Engin~:er District Laboratory in Los Alamos. New Mexico. The subsequent post-war use of nuclear power for the generation of electricity and accelerated weapons development programs resulted in radioactive waste byproducts. such as spent fuel and plutonium. that were stored on-sit~: at utilitit:s and fedt:ral weapons sites. While projected repositories for long-term storage of radioactive waste are being planned. both low- and high-level radioactive materials on occasion must be moved safely. Movement to interim-storage and. for low-level waste. repository sitt:s. is accomplished bX a combination of truck. rail. ship. and air. The U.S. Depanmt:nt of Energy (DOE) directs transportation activities including cask developmt:nt technology for use in single or multimodaJ (a combination of land. water. and air) transport. In 1978. Sandia National Laboratories was selected as the lead contractor for basic transportation technology.