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An impact limiter is an essential appurtenance in a Part 71 transport package. The impact limiter serves to protect the cask contents from excessive deceleration in the event of a mechanical accident. 10CFR71.73 (as do the IAEA regulations) specifies a drop height of 9 meters (30 feet) onto an essentially rigid surface as the design requirement for the impact limiter. The orientation of the cask relative to the “target” at the instance of the impact, however, is not specified in the regulations. Therefore, the impact limiter must be capable of limiting the cask’s deceleration to a prescribed limit regardless of the cask’s orientation at impact. In addition to the indeterminacy with respect to the orientation at impact, the impact limiter must be capable of performing its intended function under a wide range of ambient conditions, ranging from –20ºF to 100ºF, and relative humidity from zero to 100%.