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Traditional thermal insulation materials used in transport packagings include materials suchas cork, wood and foam. Such materials have intrinsically low thermal conductivity values that arelargely temperature independent. Whilst they provide effective fire protection in the accidentconditions of transport thermal test, these low values do not promote heat dissipation, for examplefrom the package contents in normal conditions of transport. Chartek 7 is a very durable epoxycoating that ‘intumesces’ under the effects of high temperatures associated with exposures toaccidental fires. Because it is applied at very low thickness and has a relatively high thermalconductivity at ambient temperatures, it offers low thermal resistance. This presents an option forefficient design of transport and storage packages, in particular where the dissipation of internalcontents heat may be a design requirement. At high temperatures, due to the intumescenceprocess the coating thickness increases by a factor of 10-12, and the thermal resistance significantlyincreases; limiting heat transfer into the package. These properties allow Chartek 7 to be utilised inpackaging designs to augment or replace existing thermal insulation materials. In addition to itsthermal properties, Chartek 7 has undergone the most stringent environmental and mechanicaltests. These involve testing to the Norsok M501 standard, UL1709 external exposures and specificmechanical tests (vibration, drop tests). Further package related tests have been performed tosimulate Accidental Conditions of Transport (ACT) as per the requirements of IAEA regulationspertaining to the safe transport of radioactive material. This paper will present the key thermal andmechanical properties, substantiated by testing, that may be of interest to transport and storagepackage designers and specifiers, in particular if specifying packages requiring heat dissipation aspart of their performance criteria.