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Outer protective packaging is commonly available for large ANSI N14.1 specification UF6 cylinder types such as the 30B and 48Y. However, standard overpacks do not exist for small 1S and 2S cylinders containing UF6 enriched to greater than 1.0 wt.% 235U. The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) regulation 10 CFR 173.417 allows transport in Type A packaging of fissile material limited to quantities specified by 10 CFR part 71, subpart C general license. Therefore, Type A packaging approved for fissile material can be adapted for transport of small UF6 cylinders containing quantities of UF6 allowed by the NRC general license. The use of a package approved for fissile material can be shown to satisfy the thermal protection design requirement for uranium hexafluoride packaging, and the Type A design requirements include the free drop test design requirement for UF6 packaging. This paper describes the process and limitations of shipping under the general license.