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The transport of radioactive material in Germany is regulated by the dangerous goods transport regulations and the regulations of the Atomic Energy Act and the Radiation Protection Ordinance. For radioactive material shipments by road, rail, sea and air the modal regulations on the transport of dangerous goods for class 7 of the ADR, RID, ADNR, IMO and ICAO are implemented in Germany and have to be applied. In parallel to this the Atomic Energy Act requirements and the requirements of the Radiation Protection Ordinance concerning the transport of radioactive material have to be met. They contain provisions regarding the reliability of transport organisations and persons, training of persons involved in transport, nuclear liability insurance, physical protection and public interest in addition to the requirement to fulfil the dangerous goods transport regulations. According to these requirements shipment approvals are necessary for nuclear material, large sources and other radioactive materials, which will be presented by the paper. Based on this some practical implications for radioactive material shipments will be discussed as well as some aspects of the future development. The paper gives also an overview of the responsibilities for approval and inspection of radioactive material shipments in Germany.