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The Repository for Radioactive Waste in Morsleben, Germany (\"Endlager fiir radioaktive Abfalle Morsleben\", ERAM) is the only repository for low and medium active waste in operation today. It was established by the former German Democratic Republic and had been in operation several years before the reunification of Germany. During this first phase of operation a transport system was designed and has successfully been used for the transport of medium active waste on public routes and remote handling during loading and unloading in order to reduce the exposure of the workers. After reunification the license for ERAM stayed valid, and in 1994 the second phase of operation started. The transport system is now mandatory for the acceptance of medium active waste at ERAM (see the acceptance criteria (BfS 1993)). In 1993 Nuclear Cargo+ Service GmbH (NCS) took over the responsibility for the transport system. The existing packagings and containers were evaluated in view of the regulations having changed since they were designed and manufactured. The major changes to be considered were: • The definition of the IP-2 packaging type in the IAEA-Regulations SS 6 (IAEA 1990). • Special licensing for IP-2 freight containers in Germany. • New regulations concerning quality assurance (QA). This paper describes the necessary modifications and organizational measures which were required to qualify the transport system.