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The Institute of Reference Materials and Measurements (IRMM) - a research centre of the European Commission - is one of the leading producers of nuclear reference materials. Radioactive samples including all different types of isotopes (mainly actinides) with quantities ranging from a few Bq to GBq are regularly shipped and received to/from worldwide destinations. IRMM has introduced a transport system that guarantees safety and security. The system is based on the clear definition of responsibilities, the dispatch via a designated packaging and temporary storage room with access control and three independent radiation and contamination checks (inner package, outer package and truck). Due to the variety of samples and applicable regulations routine shipments are difficult or not even possible. Therefore, every shipment must be assessed individually. This presentation details the internal transport organization and quality control measures at IRMM and shares experiences and problems encountered with the shipment of small quantities of especially fissile material due to the numerous applicable regulations.