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UK Nirex Ltd (Nirex) is responsible for developing a deep repository for the disposal of the United Kingdom's intermediate level waste and some low level waste. This can be considered as a responsibility for developing an integrated and efficient disposal system, covering all aspects from the despatch of packaged waste from the waste producing sites, though to its underground disposal. Given the locations of the waste producing sites all around the United Kingdom (Figure 1}, a major component o f the disposal system is the network for transporting radioactive waste packages to the repository. The design specification for the repository itself relies on a significant number of predictions related to the transport network. These include: • Average and peak arrival rates of different types of waste packages, transport containers and rail and road vehicles, all ofwhich will vary over different time periods • Example schedules of the arrivals and departures of trains, road vehicles and transport containers Numbers and types o f packages moving through any part o f the transport network in any time period Numbers o f transport containers and vehicles required by the transport progranune. The above data provide a key parameter in the repository specification, namely the overall throughput capability that is required. Repository specifications related more directly to the transport system include the required size o f rail sidings to handle the arriving trains, and the requirements for temporary storage o f waste packages awaiting processing, and o f empty rail wagons and reusable transport containers awaiting their next journey.