The Transport Container Standardisation Committee Codes of Practice

Iain Phimister - Radioactive Waste Management Limited
Ceinion Thomas - International Nuclear Services
Danny Vince - Frazer-Nash Consultancy
John Sedwards - Magnox Limited
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The Transport Container Standardisation Committee (TCSC) began as an industry forum in the 1960’s and has maintained radioactive materials transport Codes of Practice continuously for more than fifty years. The purpose of TCSC is “to examine the requirements for the safe transport of radioactive material with a view to standardisation and, as appropriate, produce and maintain guidance in the form of standards documentation”. TCSC is incorporated as a Company Limited by Guarantee in the UK and is self-funded by its eighteen members. TCSC’s codes are developed for the benefit of its members but are also made freely available to the international transport community. TCSC currently maintains sixteen codes on a five-year review cycle. This paper provides an overview of the TCSC codes to raise awareness of them. TCSC has authored codes providing advice on the testing, analysis and approval of specific package types. This includes the approval of Excepted packages (TCSC1089), the testing (TCSC1096) and approval (TCSC1078) of IP-1, IP-2, IP-3 and Type A packages and drop analysis (TCSC1087), drop testing (TCSC1086) and thermal analysis and testing (TCSC1093) of Type B packages. Guidance is also provided on the design, manufacture and approval of ISO Freight Containers under the alternative requirements for IP-2 packages (TCSC1090). TCSC has also produced guidance on key topics that apply to several package types. This includes the design and operation of tie down features (TCSC1006), lifting points (TCSC1079) and fasteners (TCSC0031), shielding integrity testing (TCSC1056), the surface finishing of stainless steels (TCSC1088) and other materials (TCSC1080), packaging repair (TCSC1095) and the labelling of packages (TCSC1073). Furthermore, TCSC provides guidance on the procurement of package design, licensing, manufacture, maintenance, operation and decommissioning services (TCSC1094).