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In response to the needs of the German utilities E.ON and EnBW, AREVA TN has designed and manufactured the TN® 24E cask offering a high level performance in the following: Transport and storage over a period of 40 years of up to 21 PWR spent fuel assemblies (SFA) High SFA loading performance for up to 17 MOX SFAs and 4 UOX SFAs High flexibility in the SFA loading plans, with predefined constraints limited to some configurations with regards to the MOX or UOX SFA positions in the basket of the cask A maximum allowable enrichment of the fuel as high as 4.65% A minimum cooling time as low as 2 years The TN® 24E cask includes several significant technological advances, among which: Proven high mechanical performance of A 508 steel for the forged shell and its welding to the bottom of the cask The shielding performance of the AREVA TN Vyal BTM resin The use of burnup credit including, for the first time, 6 fission products to demonstrate criticality safety Depletion codes validated for high burnup, up to 65 GWd/t The TN® 24E is now entering its industrial phase. In addition to meeting the initial needs of the German utilities, it will be used to meet other requirements from utilities such as the management of failed fuel rods.