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This paper summarizes the authors’ findings, during carrying out many package tie-down assessments, regarding the approach to the assessment process, and the issues that may arise. The current regulatory framework, as outlined in the abstract, is considered and possible areas for further development or research are discussed. The safe transport of a package containing radioactive material requires a secure system of retention on the conveyance during transport. The requirements for the assessment of this tie-down system are covered by International Atomic Energy Authority (IAEA) Regulations, and by the specific regulatory and guidance materials applying in the country of application. The IAEA regulations have recently been updated in TS-R-1 (June 2000) [1] and TS-G-1.1 (June 2002) [2]. In particular, Appendix V of reference [2] specifically covers ‘Package Stowage and Retention during Transport’. In the United Kingdom the Transport Container Standardisation Committee (TCSC) provides guidance on the application of the IAEA regulations in TCSC 1006 “The securing of Radioactive Materials on Conveyances” [3], and this document has also been revised in December 2003. The basic requirement of the IAEA regulations is to maintain the integrity of the components of the package and its retention systems during routine operations (TS-R-1 Para 612). In accident conditions the package is permitted and may be required as part of the design (the weak-link approach as discussed later in this paper) to separate from the conveyance, while preserving the package integrity. Any tie-down attachments on the package shall be so designed that, under normal and accident conditions of transport, the forces in those attachments shall not impair the ability of the package to meet the requirements of the Regulations. (TS-R-1 Para 636).