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LLW Repository Ltd is the UK’s primary Low Level Waste (LLW) repository since the 1940s and has been subjected to many strategic changes over its 70 yeaof operation. Latest UK radioactive waste forecasting figures reveal that the UK’s primary LLW repository is being filled at an unsustainable rate. This is primarily due to poor segregation of low activity wastes at the location of origin. Modern waste management studies have indicated that the best environmental options are when possible; to recycle LLW and to entirely divert Very low Level Waste (VLLW) to authorised landfill disposal sites. In most waste recycling scenarios the final concentrated residues return to the UK as untreatable LLW for final storage in the concrete vaults. The LLW Repository Ltd manages the design of all the IP-2 ISO container designs that are accepted at the repository for final disposal, offering safe and cost effective transport solutions. This approach essentially standardises LLW packaging and transport systems across the UK. In the case of VLLW diversion to non-nuclear licensed landfill sites many variants of package designs are accepted. In practice the UK has seen an array of different package designs being used all with differing levels of package integrity, different loading, handling, tie down requirements. This paper briefly describes LLW Repository Ltd approach to both managing OECD aspects of VLLW waste diversion and standardising the transport of VLLW. It features the development of the new IP-1 (IP-2) TC11 package design for the transport of VLLW. The TC11 is an IAEA compliant multi-modal Soft Sided Package Transport system that is adaptable and designed ready to be uprated to IP-2 for LLW transport upon demand. The paper details the TC11 prototype tests and functional trials (over and above IAEA requirements) on the inners and the outer frame. Finally the paper will explain to the reader why and how the LLW Repository Ltd has taken a UK lead in the management of VLLW and is able to provide nuclear liability insurance protection for the transport and disposal of VLLW to authorised landfill sites.