Soviet-German Cooperation in Safety Improvements of Spent Fuel Transport Casks

B. Schulz-Forberg - Federal Institute of Materials Research and Testing, Germany
Peter Zeisler - Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), Berlin, Germany
B. Droste - BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing
A. Kondratiev - All Union Scientific Research and Design Institute for Comprehensive Energy Technologies, Russia
Ju. Kozlov - All Union Scientific Research and Design Institute for Comprehensive Energy Technologies, Russia
N. Tichinov - All Union Scientific Research and Design Institute for Comprehensive Energy Technologies, Russia
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The paper gives a survey of the Soviet (Russian)-German activities which started in 1988 with the objective of creating a long-term scientific-technical cooperation in the field of transport and storage casks for spent nuclear fuel. The first step, i.e., the step of informing each other about the state of development is done. The more complicated second phase with concerted common activities of both the Russian and German Competent Authorities and industrial enterprises is intended to start the in near future .