SEIEI-MARU Japan's First Low- Level Radioactive Waste Transport Ship

M. Hirano - Nuclear Fuel Transport Co.,Ltd.,Tokyo, Japan
Tadashi Sasao - Nuclear Fuel Transport
T. Sanui - Nuclear Fuel Transport Co.,Ltd., Japan
K. Kondo - Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
T. Kan - Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
H. Kihara - Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
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The low -level radioactive waste (LLW) generated at the nuclear power stations throughout Japan is tightly sealed in drums and stored at these power stations. In order to transport such waste to the Low- Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Center in Rokkasho- Mura, Aomori Prefecture, which is scheduled to start operation in December 1992, Japan's first exclusive LLW transport ship, the Seiei- Maru, was built for the Nuclear Fuel Transport Co., Ltd. at the Kobe Shipyard and Machinery Works, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. in September, 1991. (See Fig.l)