Safety Analysis Aspects of CASTOR V Spent-Fuel Transport and Storage Casks

H. Stelzer - GNB Gesellschaft für Nuklear-Behälter mbH
Rudolf Diersch - GNB Gesellschaft für Nuklear-Behälter mbH
G. Dreier - GNB Gesellschaft fUr Nuklear-Behalter mbH (GNB)
N. Ulrich - GNB Gesellschaft für Nuklear-Behälter mbH
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GNB Gesellschaft fur Nuklear Behalter mbH has a long-term experience in developing casks for the transport and storage of spent-fuel assemblies. A main type of casks built by GNB is the CASTOR type made of ductile cast iron GGG 40. All design criteria including all tests according to the IAEA regulations as a type B(U) F package (IAEA) and the acceptance criteria for the German storage sites (e.g. BLG) are fulfilled by the CASTOR V casks family which has been shown by calculational analysis and by analog evaluations on the base of experiments. The most modem high-capacity casks of the CASTOR V type family have been developed for transport and long-term interim storage of 19 PWR or 52 BWR spent-fuel assemblies. The new casks of the CASTOR V type family are, according to the decay time of approximately 5 years and the number of fuel assemblies to be put in the cask, called CASTOR V 119 and CASTOR V /52. The mechanical and thermal layout of the CASTOR V family are mainly focused in this report.