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Data on accidents classify them on the basis of their severity. Such classification does not correspond exactly to the prescribed tests. The accident conditions simulated by the tests are normally applied only to the assessment of Type B(U)/(M) packages. In India, about 80% of the radioactive consignments may be classified as Type A packages. Therefore, it was felt necessary to assess the response of Type A packages to the accident conditions. An earlier study had suggested that it was essentially those Type A packages which were generally deployed for the transport of 131I and 99Mo which were mainly responsible for any possible dose during transport. The Type A packages which were generally used for these sources were identified and they were assessed for their response to the accident conditions of transport of twelve severity categories. While they could withstand the crush test without release of activity, (as witnessed by six such real accidents in Indian airports) they would not withstand the fire test. Thus they would survive four out of the twelve categories of accidents. Nucleonic gauges which are classified as Type A packages were assessed for their ability to withstand accident conditions and found to be performing better than the regulatory requirements.