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Many variables factor into the equation regarding site decommissioning processes that the Department of Energy (DOE) Complexes have dissected in the attempt to reduce costs. Cost reduction and cost management are the major conditions for site decommissioning to become more feasible in the future. In order for costs to be reduced without sacrificing quality or safety, business must shift to a new generation of rationalization in all aspects of the process. One particular DOE complex, The West Valley Demonstration Project (WVDP), has always been on the cutting edge of implementing new technologies and systems that reduce costs and accelerate the clean-up schedule of the complex. The latest initiative has been reducing transportation and shipping costs by utilizing reusable containers and rail conveyance. Through the support of MHF Logistical Solutions, Inc. using specially modified cargo containers and unique railcars, The WVDP has been able to reduce: shipping costs, container handling problems, and As Low As Reasonable Achievable (ALARA) exposure to workers. A “turnkey” transportation logistical process has been developed for The WVDP to move large quantities of packaged, low-level waste (LLW) via rail and truck transport. Rail transportation offers material movement of a larger dimension and quantity as opposed to traditional methods. The concept is to move material in specialized equipment utilizing truck and rail transport verses small packages transported only by trucks.