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RADTRAN 5 is a computer code developed at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) in Albuquerque, NM, to estimate radiological and nonradiological risks of radioactive materials transportation. RADTRAN 5 is written in ANSI Standard FORTRAN 77 and contains significant advances in the methodology for route-specific analysis first developed by SNL for RADTRAN 4 (Neuhauser and Kanipe, 1992). In RADTRAN I through III, a route had to be divided into three population-density zones per run (usually labelled rural, suburban, and urban), and multiple runs of the code were required to examine any breakdown of a route into more than three such zones (Taylor and Daniel, 1977; Madsen et al. , 1983; Madsen et al. , 1986). This methodology was retained as a user option in RADTRAN 4 for the sake of continuity; it has been removed from RADTRAN 5. The new methodology is discussed in this paper. The code also includes several improved and/or updated numerical models. RADTRAN 5 will be released after benchmarking and other quality assurance tests are complete. Like the previous RADTRAN codes, RADTRAN 5 contains two major modules for incident-free and accident risk analysis, respectively. All commercially important transportation modes may be analyzed with RADTRAN 5: highway by combination truck; highway by light-duty vehicle; rail; barge; ocean-going ship; cargo air; and passenger air.