RADSAFE: Meeting Industry Needs for Transport Emergency Arrangements: Training Development

T D Kelly - Babcock International Fountain House
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RADSAFE became operational on 1st August 1999 as a single radioactive material transport emergency response scheme for the British nuclear industry, combining the best aspects of previous emergency response plans. The current RADSAFE members are: EdF Nuclear Generation Rolls Royce Magnox Westinghouse Imperial College MOD GE Healthcare Reactor Sites Restoration Ltd United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority URENCO Low Level Waste Repository Dounreay Site Restoration Ltd Sellafield Sites Scientific and Technical Funding Council RADSAFE CLG (Company Limited by Guarantee) was formed in March 2009 as a standalone company which is self-regulating and responsible to its owners and members. The Office of Nuclear Regulation (ONR), Radioactive Materials Transport Division is supportive of the work that RADSAFE has undertaken to deliver a consistent approach to transport emergency arrangements. RADSAFE CLG has always recognised that it is important its responders are trained to the same standards across the various member organisations and that they have a wide knowledge of the packages transported throughout Great Britain. In addition, the emergency services play a significant and important role in the response. As such RADSAFE CLG has developed two strands of training: 1) To raise the awareness of the emergency services about RADSAFE CLG, what it does, who is involved and capacity 2) To provide RADSAFE CLG responders with information about the packages transported in Great Britain, response site management and response simulation. It has been recognised that this training provision requires further upgrade to ensure that the courses and particularly the RADSAFE Responders course is more immersive in the delivery of the training to provide better situational awareness for the responders. A new RADSAFE Responders course has been developed and the initial phase of the development of an improved Awareness course is being undertaken. This paper describes the history, development and on-going improvement of RADSAFE CLG training courses and how these have been tailored to the requirements of the RADSAFE CLG responders and emergency services.