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In France, all the short lived low and medium activity wastes are stored at the Centre de I'Aube managed by ANORA (National agency for the management of radioactive wastes). ANORA has to garantee an optimal safety level during the upstream transportation activities. On the one hand all the packages delivered to the Centre de I'Aube have to be first agreed by ANORA according to pre-established specifications and procedures. Computer connections between ANORA and wastes producers, and controls allow to ensure their respect. On the other hand, the producers must use qualify carriers. In order to get this qualification, they must respect ADR prescriptions and specific additional requirements settled by ANORA. On the Centre de I'Aube, check-up are carried out to verify that the procedures are respected during the transportation operations. In the last fifteen years, 3 significant accidents involving low and medium activity wastes have occurred , but we never observe radiological impact in the environment.