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In the framework of the Russian Research Reactor Fuel Return (RRRFR) Program US DOE and Russian organizations have developed the first commercial Type C cask having the purpose to ship by air research reactor spent nuclear fuel in conformity with the requirements of the IAEA TS-R- 1/SSR-6 Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials. The TUK-145/C is based on the SKODA VPVR/M cask Type B package, incased in an energy absorbing container (EAC) that assures the containment tightness after an impact caused by an aircraft crash during the shipment of spent nuclear fuel. Since the support documentation and administrative requirements for package design certification differ from country to country, after receiving the Russian certificate of approval for package design it was decided to proceed with the preparation of a single document (Reference Manual) containing all relevant design, fabrication, safety, maintenance, management system and other information that could serve for the multilateral approval of the TUK-145/C package design certificate in any country. For this purpose, the content of the Reference Manual was developed based on the IAEA, US, Russian and European requirements. Starting from the Russian technical documentation prepared for certification, the Reference Manual was then created. This paper presents the TUK-145/C Reference Manual elaboration process, its content and the summary of differences between the support safety documentation and administrative requirements for package design certification of the assessed countries and organizations. The purpose of this work is to prepare a complete set of licensing documents for the TUK-145/C for potential further utilization. Proposals for using the existing TUK-145/C technology, as well as perspectives for its further development and utilization are also included in this paper.