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Periodic inspection has been performed to confirm the integrity of a spent fuel transport package. The areas of the periodic inspection include: visual inspection, nondestructive weld inspection, load inspection, maximum operating pressure inspection, leakage inspection, shielding inspection, thermal inspection, external surface contamination inspection. Damages or defects could not be found with the visual inspection, the nondestructive weld inspection and the load inspection. Leakage inspection was performed using the helium leakage test method in accordance with ANSI N14.5. The measured leakage rate was lower than the allowable leakage rate. There was no pressure drop during the 10 minute hydrostatic pressure inspection. The shielding and thermal inspections were performed with 12 loaded spent PWR fuel assemblies. The measured dose rates and temperatures were compared with the radiation shielding and thermal analysis results. There were good agreements between the test and analysis results. As a result of the external surface contamination inspection, the contamination levels on the cask surfaces were lower than the allowable values.