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Since 1973 NTL have been responsible for the carriage of PWR and BWR spent fuel elements mainly from Western European reactor sites to the reprocessing plants of COGEMA at La Hague and BNFL at Sellafield. Jn total, NTL has safely performed more than 3,000 transports of spent nuclear fuel. NTL operate a wide range of dry and wet-type transport casks for the transport of spent fuel elements: • NTL casks (dry and wet types) designed for all sizes ofBWR and PWR reactor sites, • COGEMA casks (dry type) designed for larger sized BWR and PWR reactor sites, and • BNFL casks (wet type) designed for larger sized BWR and PWR reactor sites. The tasks and responsibilities of NTL are briefly described as follows: • Organization and management of the transports using combined services of the offices at Risley (UK), Paris, La Hague, Dunkirk (France), and Hanau (Germany), • Provision of optimized loading plans for Uranium (U) and Mixed Oxide (MOX) fuel element cask-loading, • Acting as reprocessor representative during cask-loading at reactor site, • Provision of technical assistance during cask-handling and loading at reactor site,