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The IAEA Regulations (Safety Series 6,7,37,80 etc.) governing the packaging, package testing, and package labeling of radioactive materials for transport apply the philosophy that packaging for transport should adequately protect transport workers and the public against hazards of radioactive material under all foreseeable circumstances including the occurrence of a severe accident. In the case of the most potentially harmful nuclides, the packaging must be capable of withstanding damaging effects without any significant release of contents or increase in external radiation. In these respects emergency planning is built in at the design stage of the packaging itself However, the IAEA Regulations also require arrangements to be in place to respond to emergencies that may occur during the course of the transport operation. In addition, under the Ionising Radiation Regulations (IRRs) 1985 the employer bas a responsibility to show that there are appropriate contingency arrangements to meet all reasonably foreseeable events. In this case the employer involved will, of course, include the carrier as well as the consignor.