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Transport Risk Management has been developed by AREVA to establish the strictest control over its radioactive material shipments as well as to ensure that all roads are kept open for the flows of materials to and from AREVA facilities world-wide. As an example, this paper will show how TN International’s (TNI) Transport Risk Management® has helped secure the uranium concentrate flows from Kazakhstan to China following a sudden shut-down of the Kazakhstan/China border for political reasons resulting in a denial of access. Steps were quickly taken to set-up an alternative route by sea and to strengthen the supply chain using an innovative approach with the major ocean liner, CMA CGM. This was possible due to the launch of a global acceptance program, including the necessary definition of interfaces, a specific data and communications plan, and the support and expertise proposed to stakeholders at ports and in national waters along this maritime route. Stakeholders include customs officers, security officers, port authorities, national and maritime authorities, stevedores and port handling utilities, as well as ocean liners, including their ship captains and crews. The alternative route from Kazakhstan to China is now open to the benefit of the industry at large.