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Ontario Hydro operates 20 heavy water moderated CANDU (CANada Deuterium Uranium) reactors with a total generating capacity of 15 GWe. Periodically, highly active reactor components such as flux detectors, liquid zone control rods, and fuel channel assemblies are removed for replacement or research/testing purposes. These components are transported to Ontario Hydro's radioactive waste facilities for storage or Chalk River Laboratories of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL-CRL ) for testing. Ontario Hydro's engineering staff has designed, developed, and tested a new transportation package named \"Roadrunner\" for such shipments (see Figure 1 ). The Roadrunner package is designed to meet the Type B(U) requirements of the 1985 Edition of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Regulations (IAEA 1990). The engineering approach taken was to demonstrate that the Roadrunner package meets the requirements under tested and accident conditions of transport through analysis of predicted performance of the package and by performing drop and leakage rate tests on a scale model.