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BRIT lead cask (BLC) has been designed as ‘Type B (U)’ package to transport 100kCi of Co-60 sealed sources. The main design feature is its inclined fins on the outer surface. The fins are designed to protect the cask from damaging effects of 9m drop on rigid surface in accident conditions and to enhance heat dissipation during normal conditions of transport. The performance of cask after impact is numerically simulated to assess the structural integrity using explicit Finite Element code PAM – CRASH specialized for nonlinear dynamic simulations. The most damaging orientation was found out from the various possible drop situations by numerical analysis. Experimental drop of the prototype cask on unyielding target was conducted followed by 8000 C fire test. Radiometry test of the damaged cask was carried out to ascertain the shielding integrity of the cask. The paper presents comparison of numerical simulation and the experimental drop test results. The results are found to be in good agreement. The results of Radiometry before and after the accident conditions are also discussed.