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It is well known that ship structural design for collision resistance is very important to assure security of packages, which contains spent nuclear fuels. As for the regulation of safe carriage of the spent nuclear fuel, the International Code for the Safe Carriage of Packaged Irradiated Nuclear Fuel, Plutonium and High-Level Radioactive Wastes on Board Ships (INF code) is commonly referred, which covers specifications of damage satiability, structural consideration and so on. However, nothing is mentioned about collision resistance of hull girder in this code. On the other hand, the official notice \"Kaisa No.520\" issued by the Japan Ministry of Transport includes the statement about collision resistance of hull girder. In \"Kaisa No.520\", the analysis based on the Minorsky’s method is applied for ship design of collision resistance structures. In the construction of the past ships, that was applied for the structural design of the hull girders. This simplified method is effective for the structural design in the initial stage because of comparatively light computational works. However, in the Minorsky’s method T-2 tanker is adopted as the striking ship and the outer shell is not taken into account as the structural member of the collision resistance. To achieve more detailed evaluation of collision resistance of hull girder, a numerical procedure introducing the nonlinear finite element analysis of ship-ship collision was proposed by the regulation research panel of the Shipbuilding Research Association of Japan. In the procedure, VLCC (Very Large Crude Oil Carrier) is adopted as the striking ship. By using the procedure, some numerical analysis results were already published. Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co., LTD. (MES) has accumulated experience to analyze and evaluate collision resistance of ships. Based on these experiences, the numerical analysis was applied for the first time to actual design of the exclusive ships which transports spent nuclear fuels. This paper describes the numerical computation conducted in the design of Kaiei-Maru, which was constructed by MES in 2006. The procedure using the finite element analysis and the method to evaluate the collision resistance of the hull girder are presented as the first practical example, which has not been adopted before in the design of this kind of ships.