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In order to improve safety in the transport of dangerous goods, the European ADR regulations (Agreement of the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road) requires training for drivers and other personnel as a function of their responsibilities. In 1996, a European directive was issued concerning the designation as well as the professional qualifications of safety advisers for road, rail and inner navigation of dangerous goods. In France, this gave rise to the decree of December 17, 1998 (which was subsequently modified on December 22, 1999). This decree requires any enterprise engaged in operations involving transport, loading or unloading of dangerous goods to designate a Safety Adviser ; the decree took effect on January 1, 2001. This adviser must have an appropriate professional qualification, obtained after sitting for a national examination given by an organisation to be designated by the Ministry of Transport, and jointly by the Ministers of Industry and the Environment, in the case of transport of radioactive goods. In order to help candidates to prepare for this examination, and for their future role as a Safety Adviser, it is highly recommended that they enrol in a specialised training program. The Institut National des Sciences et Techniques Nucléaires, (INSTN) under the authority of the Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique (French Atomic Energy Commission) offers training programs covering safety issues in road transport of radioactive goods. The course, which lasts 5 days, offers a dual approach: The first part of the course is general in nature; and deals with safety issues relative to dangerous goods; the second part deals with radioactive materials. One of the difficulties in developing the course was to provide trainees with a working methodology to enable them to quickly become familiar with the ADR structure, taking into account the fact that basic knowledge in terms of regulations and radiation protection vary widely from one trainee to another. The purpose of the course is to present: • Regulatory aspects (role and purpose) of the decree requiring Safety Advisers, to be an integral part of the new European regulations, which will be applicable as of July 1, 2001, • The course of study enabling candidates to prepare for national examinations, • An overview of the current situation in France and Europe.