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MOSAIK® -casks were developed for the transport of different types of radioactive waste. Furthermore, the casks are to be used for a save interim storage over a longer period of time and finally for the final storage in an adequate final storage facility. The name MOSAIK® comes from the German Mobiles System für aktivierte Kerneinbauten (mobile system for activated core components) Three cask types were developed in the beginning. These are: MOSAIK® I Æ 900 mm, 1150 mm MOSAIK® II Æ 1060 mm, 1500 mm MOSAIK® III Æ 1000 mm, 1240 mm Meanwhile, the MOSAIK® casks were produced over 5000 times. Approx. 10% were MOSAIK® I and III casks that were built as IP-2 resp. type A casks. The first MOSAIK® II-15, type B(U), was approved in 1987. Picture 1 shows this cask.