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The first registered shipment of radioactive material (RM) in Russia was held about 100 years ago in 1903. Then in St.-Petersburg at the request D.I. Mendeleyev from Germany the apparatus of radium bromide for researches in “Chamber of Measures and Weights” was delivered. The mass transportations of RM in Russia (former USSR) are carried out about 50 years. Now the list of transported RM in country includes all kinds of a nuclear fuel cycle materials (from ore, physical and chemical concentrates, UF6 up to the fresh and spent fissile material and radioactive waste), and also numerous kinds of RM and articles using RM, which are widely applied in other industries, medicine, agriculture etc. The main part of RM used in all fields is produced inside country, and the main part of the shipments is internal shipments. Considerable, nevertheless, there is also volume of international carriages of various types of RM in Russia and from Russia, and also as transit traffic of RM through territory of Russia. For all years of mass shipments of RM in Russia (former USSR) there were not registered not only severe radiation effects on the population or staff owing to such shipments, but practically there were not severe transport accidents during such transport. Even total number of transport incidents with RM, which, apparently, are inevitable at transport, for these years is calculated only by units. Such results for safety, apparently, are determined by an operating and operational now management system of safety by transport including a system of state bodies and organizations, and system of the statutory acts in this area. Below in the present paper the main component of management systems of safety in RM transport area are briefly reviewed, including, main provisions new federal “Regulations of safety at transportation of radioactive materials” (NP-053-2004) [1], and also some problems, connected with a forthcoming intrusion of these rules in practice of management and safety control by transport of RM.