Mechanical test technologies on package for radioactive material transport in CIRP

Li Guoqiang - China Institute for Radiation Protection
Zhang Jiangang - China Institute for Radiation Protection Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province
Zhuang Dajie - China Institute for Radiation Protection
Luo Xiaowei - China Institute for Radiation Protection Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province
Sun Hongchao - China Institute for Radiation Protection
Wang Xuexin - China Institute for Radiation Protection
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The container is the unique physical barrier during the transport period, which shall be enough tightness to withstand possible collision scenes. According the requirements of Chinese GB11806 and IAEA’s SSR-6, containers for radioactive material transport shall be demonstrated to be enough safety by test or simulation calculation methods. The corresponding mechanical tests items and test requirements are regulated in GB11806 and SSR-6 with regard to the possible collision scenes. By using the approach of combining the test with the finite element simulation for the model 3m3 , model XAYT-I and model ZHQY-QG-001, the application of deformation, stress and acceleration data of key parts of these containers is researched respectively in the safety performance assessment of thecontainers.