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Packages for the transport of radioactive material are generally equipped with specific structures (basket) to support the radioactive content in defined position. The safety function of the basket depends on the kind of transported inventory. In case of transport cask for spent fuel, the basket design has to ensure the subcriticality of the fissile material in all conditions of transport in particular. Therefore the evaluation of structural integrity and neutron absorption capability of the basket is an important part of complete safety analysis. Sufficient heat transfer to maintain fuel assembly and cask temperature within allowable limits has to be verified as well. Corrosion resistance is an additional requirement on basket materials owing to contact with water during loading and unloading operations. Computational and experimental methods or their combination along with additional material and component tests can be used to analyse the mechanical and thermal basket behaviour under transport conditions defined in IAEA regulations. By deciding between the analysis methods, the design features (including material selection concept) as well as specific safety function should be accounted. In approval procedures of transport packages for radioactive materials, the competent authority mechanical and thermal safety assessment is carried out in Germany by BAM. Some questions of safety evaluation of basket designs are discussed in this paper based on the BAM experience within approval procedures. The paper focuses primarily on the mechanical behaviour of baskets with regard to the assumptions that have to be used in the criticality safety demonstration. The state of the art methodologies for computational basket stress and deformation analysis as well as for interpretation of drop tests results are presented.