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Revision of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) recommendations for security of nuclear and other radioactive material has resulted in the need to ensure that the supporting transport security guidance is kept up to date. Several activities have been completed in this regard and the results are being implemented throughout the world. The IAEA publication \"Nuclear Security Recommendations on Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Nuclear Facilities (INFCIRC/225/Revision 5)\", Nuclear Security Series No. 13, has been revised to take into account recent developments, including the amendments to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (CPPNM). Nuclear Security Series No. 13 is a recommendations-level document in the IAEA Nuclear Security Series of documents and was published in 2011. Transport security recommendations are included in the scope of the document and were extensively revised from the recommendations contained in the previous version (Revision 4, corrected). An implementing guide “Physical Protection of Nuclear Material during Transport” has been developed to assist States in their implementation of the new transport security recommendations. The guide provides more detailed information on how the recommendations can be put into practice. The interface between the nuclear and radioactive material transport security documents is also covered in order to ensure that appropriate security measures, based on both the nuclear and radioactive properties of the material being transported, are defined and implemented. Similarly, recommendations for security of other (non-nuclear) radioactive material have been developed as the \"Nuclear Security Recommendations on Radioactive Material and Associated Facilities\" (Nuclear Security Series No. 14). While an implementing guide on radioactive material transport security has been available for several years, it is being reviewed to ensure it is up to date and fully consistent with the recommendations. This paper provides information on the IAEA nuclear and radioactive material transport security recommendations and guidance, including future plans to keep this information up to date.