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FRAMATOME ANP, the world leader in nuclear fuel supply must master the full scope of activities including design, fabrication and fuel assemblies delivery. One of the main concern is to ensure that the nuclear criticality safety analyses are performed in compliance with all the regulations in force. Increased 235U enrichment for PWR assemblies and 235U content for MTR elements imposed to make a complete review of our safety transport analysis files. Moreover, since 1996 Framatome ANP is performing the criticality studies for the different stages of the fuel cycle including spent fuel storage facilities which is the backend fuel cycle strategy for many countries. The paper deals firstly with a description of the criticality calculation codes and methodology, developed by the IPSN and in use for more than twenty years by the French nuclear industry. These tools have been qualified against a wide experimental database including fissile media, shapes and configurations met for these specific studies. The paper follows with the experience feedback that Framatome ANP has acquired in the past five years in the different fields concerning particularly : q Improvements of existing transport fresh PWR fuel cask, q Design of a new transport fresh MTR fuel cask, q Justification of interim spent fuel storage. through real examples developed showing the different safety considerations used to fulfill the regulations and the safety authorities requirements. The above examples demonstrate the expertise Framatome ANP has acquired to be able to support specific customer needs.