Fabrication and Operational Experience with the TN-40 and TN-32 Casks

M. Mason - Transnuclear, Inc. USA
T. Neider - Transnuclear, Inc. USA
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Transnuclear has developed an Advanced Storage Cask design that is consistent with utilities' storage needs and price expectations. The advanced storage casks: Reduce fuel assembly unit storage costs by increasing cask capacity through the use of the superior weight-to-capacity ratio of metal casks, credit for pool water boron, and longer cooled fuel. Make the storage system materials more appropriate for their function by separating the containment and shielding functions; Reduce basket material costs; and Maintain the excellent operating characteristics of the Transnuclear transport casks. The immediate predecessor of the Advanced Storage Cask design is the TN-24P Dry Storage Cask, which was sold to Virginia Power as part of its Cooperative Agreement with the Department of Energy. Extensive thermal and shielding tests were performed on the TN-24P at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratories (INEL). EPRI report No. NP-5128 (Creer, 1987) documents the excellent results obtained during the testing of both intact and consolidated fuel at INEL.