Experimental Assessment of Point Kernel Shielding Calculation Codes: QAD and G33

T. Miura - Ship Research Institute, Tokai Branch
N. Odano - Ship Research Institute, Tokai Branch
Y. Shindo - Mitsubishi Research Institute Inc.
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Japan is scheduled to transport a large amount of radioactive wastes by exclusive vesse ls mainly from domestic nuclear plants to the low level radioactive waste storage facility starting in fiscal 1992. To establish radiation safety in the transportation, it is necessary to keep the radiation exposure of transport workers and the general public as low as reasonably achievable. Although radiation levels of these wastes are mostly low, wastes o f some percentage contain radioactive materials of too high levels to carry them without shielding. To carry these wastes, steel containers having an appropriate wall thi c kness can be used, each of which probably contains several drums packed with radioactive wastes. To design such a container, point kernel calculation codes will be used. These codes also have been used to calculate the performance of shields to be installed in exclusive vessels. Since the accuracy of point kernel calculations varies depending on the problem, it is necessary to assess these codes for shielding problems to be appeared in the low level radioactive wastes transportation. In this study, applicability of point kernel calculations to the design of steel containers was investigated. Furthermore, the accuracy of these calculations was examined regarding problems of the reflection and the slant penetration.