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In the 1990ties, after Harrisburg and Tchernobyl severe accidents, the Nuclear safety boards and industry develloped concepts of improvements, practical accident management and measures against severe core melting and fire hazards for future NPP. In France and Germany this lead to new design concepts of NPP. The European Pressurized Reactor is the most important of these. For the EPR-project the French and German bodies founded international governmental and industry working groups to find common solutions with. This international cooperation was necessary because of the acceptance procedures in both countries. Based on the major design concept/conditions defined in the basic design report BDR) [2] and fundamental safety requirements from ETC-S [3] there were given component and equipment Specifications within 7 Technical Codes (ETC). Coordinated by GPR and GRS we worked together with IPSN and TÜVNorthgermany on this project to evaluate the technical code for EPR Transport- and Handling devices.