ETMF : A new Package Design for transport Fissile Material

Thierry Delon - CEA
Johann Danan - CEA
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ETMF : A new Package Design for the transport of Fissile Material. ETMF is a new transport package that can be classified as type IP2F or B(U)F which will be used to transport Fissile Materials between research reactors and laboratories. This new concept will replace the TN BGC1 transport packagie that has been commissioned in accordance with IAEA 85. This package will be transported by road, sea and air. This new package is designed to allow multiple configurations : handling by crane vertically or horizontally, and its tilting between the two positions, but also with a forklift truck or manual pallet stacker. Forkways must be designed to be handled with a forklift, it must withstand the handling stress. On the contrary, the forkways must not reduce the safety of the package at the time of transport (ยง612 IAEA) in accident conditions of transport. The challenge is to design forkways which responds these tins contradictory requirements. The ETMF cask will transport contents with subsidiary risks. The cask is also designed to withstand the explosion of the gas produced by radiolysis and thermolysis of organic materials. The paper will provide a detailed overview of these design challenges.