Estimation of the Individual and Collective Doses Received by Workers and the Public During the Transport of Radioactive Materials in France Between 1981 and 1990

J. Hamard - IPSN-DPHD
C. Ringot - IPSN-DSMR
H. Bernard - Compagnie Générale des Matières Nucléaires
R. Connat - OS-BIO International
P. Lecoq - Agence Intemationale pour la Gestion des Déchets Radioactifs
P. Morin - Société Transnucléaire
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The estimation of the doses received by the workers and the public has been followed up in France on a triennial basis since 1981. It is realized according to the recommendations of the ICRP, to make a verification of the quality and efficacy of the protection by means of statistical assessments of the exposures. It permits follow-up of the evolution of the exposures during the time and drawing of general trends. This paper deals with the transport of radiopharmaceutics, irradiated fuels, wastes, and other radioactive materials including uoirradiated fuels and other uranium compounds. It covers the period between 1981 and 1991. As far as possible the evolution of the doses is related to the variation during the time of the number of transported packages and of the mass or the volume of the transported materials.