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In France, ore concentrates conversion operation to UF6 is realized in two steps; UF4 at AREVA Malvesi plant and UF4 to UF6 at AREVA Tricastin Site. The transport of UF4 between the AREVA sites is performed by road using a motorway on a near-daily basis. Together with modern transport equipment, emergency preparedness is of key importance to achieve public acceptance. The proposed paper describes the equipment and the methods which were developed by COMURHEX in order to achieve the highest possible standard of emergency preparedness. It covers: • Transport crisis management organization of AREVA • Dedicated cleaning up equipment • Emergency exercises The dedicated cleaning up equipment will be presented in detail. It fits into a standard ISO 20 feet container and can be used at very short notice the local intervention team. It features a large size vacuum cleaner with dedicated pumps, filters and interim storage containers for the recovered material.