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ABSTRACT Contact-handled transuranic (CH-TRU) waste containers to be shipped to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in the Transuranic Package Transporter-II (TRUPACT-II) will be certified according to the requirements in the TRUPACT-II Authorized Methods for Payload Control (TRAMPAC), Revision 19 [1]. Revision 19 of the TRUPACT-II Safety Analysis Report (SAR) implements several payload expansion initiatives ensuring compliance with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission requirements governing the generation of flammable gas within the payload container. In conjunction with Revision 19 of the TRUPACT-II SAR, the Automated TRUPACT-II Authorized Methods for Payload Control (e-TRAMPAC), an implementation tool for the Revision 19 initiatives, has been developed for use by CH-TRU waste sites as part of the WIPP Waste Information System (WWIS). e-TRAMPAC performs all compliance evaluations and generates all documentation required by the TRAMPAC. To facilitate use by the sites, e-TRAMPAC will be integrated into the WWIS. e-TRAMPAC will evaluate containers for transportation compliance at the same time the WWIS is evaluating the containers for compliance with WIPP Waste Acceptance Criteria. The integration with the WWIS will streamline the certification of waste by the sites because it will allow the sites to transmit container data to one centralized location and evaluate the containers for transportation and disposal at the same time. e-TRAMPAC will provide a browser-based user interface to allow users to create payload assemblies and evaluate the assemblies against TRAMPAC requirements. Users will be able to iteratively add and remove payload and dunnage containers to create a TRAMPAC-compliant assembly. Users can then print the completed transportation certification documents required by the TRAMPAC.