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The state regulatory body responsible for the approvals of transport, storage and disposal packages for transporting, storing or disposing of radioactive materials in the Czech Republic is the State Office for Nuclear Safety (SUJB). Basic requirements for the approvals of such packages the Czech Republic are defined in the paragraph 23 of the Act No. 1811997 on Peaceful Application of the Atomic Energy and Ionizing Radiation (Atomic Act). This law had passed through the Czech Parliament on February 26, 1997 and came into the force on July 1, 1997. Regulation of the State Office for Nuclear Safety No 142/97 on Design Approval of Packaging for Shipment, Storage or Disposal of Radionuclide Sources and Nuclear Materials, and on Design Approval of Ionizing Radiation Sources and some Manufactured Articles for Handling Ionizing Radiation Sources (Design Approval Regulation) which also came into the force on I July 1997 brings detailed conditions for packages licensing. The mentioned SUJB Regulation introduces not only transport packages type IP, A orB, but also the type S (storage) and D (disposal) and the dual purpose- transport- storage packages. The paper briefly discusses the basis for the SUJB approach to the approvals of respective types of the packages for radioactive materials. The role of the IAEA \"Regulations for the s·afe Transport of Radioactive Material\" for the development of this Czech Regulation is stressed in the paper. The interface between dual use (transport - storage) containers is discussed and the significance of the national «storage« requirements and their compatibility with the IAEA \"Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material\" (1) is mentioned. The experience with the licensing of dual purpose - transport and storage in CR is briefly described as well.