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RADSAFE is a UK mutual support company which provides an emergency response in the event of a road/rail transport accident involving radioactive materials belonging to a company member. DSTL (Defence Science and Technology Laboratory) forms part of the emergency response cover on behalf of the Ministry of Defence membership. As part of its obligations as a RADSAFE member, DSTL undertook an exercise on its Porton Down Range in Wiltshire in December 2009. The aim was to test its RADSAFE ‘Level 2’ response to a road traffic accident involving radioactive material. This paper describes the exercise, including how it was organised and implemented. Good communications and decision-making are of vital importance in emergency situations. An essential part of the exercise was the interaction of DSTL’s responders with the emergency services, particularly the Fire and Rescue Service. Information exchange with the owner of the package involved was also a key element. Real radioactive sources were used to inject some realism into the scenario. The exercise was a successful demonstration of DSTL’s ability to respond to a transport accident. Valuable lessons were learned, in terms of both exercise organisation and emergency response.