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Several types of dual purpose casks for transport and interim storage of spent fuel elements (SFE) and vitrified high-active waste (HAW) from reprocessing were approved in Germany in the past years. That are e g. the following cask types· • CASTOR Jfa and CASTOR V/19 for spent fuel elements of pressurised water reactors, and • CASTOR HAW-20/28-CG and TS 28 V for vitrified IIAW from reprocessing With the beginning of interim storage at the Gorleben site in April 1995 there was the possibility to carry out comprehensive dose rate measurements around loaded casks with different contents and different arrangement of neutron shielding The paper summarises the differences between the dose rates derived from commercial remcounters and those reference values derived from neutron spectra at locations which are important for radiation protection and for the compliance with limits. for the transport of radioactive material Furthermore, several horizontal and vertical distributions will be shown It is referred especially to points which are important for radiation protection during dispatch