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To meet the statutory requirements of the ADR pertaining to training, the INSTN (National Institute for Nuclear Sciences and Technology) proposes different courses on the transport of radioactive materials. Presentation of the INSTN The INSTN is a higher educational institution established in 1956 within the CEA (French Atomic Energy Commission) and is placed under the joint supervision of the Ministries of Education and Industry. The INSTN is in charge of organizing : - National and European academic courses for students, engineers and technicians. - Vocational training sessions for participants of any origin and nationality, including secondary school physics teachers or experts from industrialized or developing countries. - Training through research coordinated by the Institute, as well as assistance and guidance to PhD and post-PhD students. As a training tool and vector for the CEA’s knowledge to spread to universities, engineering colleges, industrial companies and the medical sector, the INSTN engages in European dynamics and is helping the formation of partnerships and the establishment of netwoks, and therefore organizes training sessions in English. The transport of radioactive materials is one of the various fields in which the INSTN is involved. In fact the Institute is the only organism in France approved by the Ministry of Transport and by the Direction Générale de la Sûreté Nucléaire et Radioprotection (DGSNR) to dispense training for the drivers of radioactive materials.