Development of FBR Fuel Shipping Cask for Post-Irradiated Examination

S. Uruwashi - Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation
Y. Kitai - Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation
M. Usami - Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation
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Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation will be performing the post-irradiated examination of fuel subassemblies irradiated in the Japanese first prototype FBR \"MONJtr, in order to confirm the integrity of the fuels and to verify design methods and so on. Therefore, the deve 1 opment of a shipping cask to transport the fuels from \"MONJtr to the examination facility in \"0-arai Engineering Center\" was required and was completed in October 1994. This paper describes the details of the development process from the design to the fabrication of the casks.