Design of High-Capacity Transport/Storage Cask for High Burnup Fuels

Hiroaki Taniuchi - Kobe Steel Ltd
H. Yasuda - Kobe Steel, Ltd
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In Japan, the first interim storage of commercial spent fuels by cask was permitted by the Japanese Government in 1994. The casks, Japanese version TN24 (Kakunai et al. 1995), were fabricated and have been in use at the Fukushima site of the Tokyo Electric Power Company since mid-1995. Additional interim storage of spent fuels using casks is expected by other electric power companies. As the Japanese version TN24 cask was designed for conventional spent fuels, another cask for high bumup fuels will be necessary in the near future in Japan. The cost performance of the cask and storage efficiency at the storage facility are the most important considerations for interim fuel storage using casks. Considering the aspects above, brand-new, high-capacity transport/storage casks named KTC for high bum up fuels are being designed.