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BI-TL-300 equipment, designed to irradiate blood and its components to prevent Graft Versus Host Disease in immune deficient patient, is a Type B (U) transportation cask. This is designed as an innovative package consisting of main body and outer enclosure as its impact limiter. The package is made compact in its overall size and mass by suitably placing tungsten and lead as shielding material. The blood bag moves in an elliptical bent pipe by gravity. The design of the irradiator ensures dose uniformity ratio within the specified band. The package is designed to meet the national and international regulations of radioactive material transportation by road and sea and it conforms to the requirements of “Type B (U)” Package as specified therein. In this paper design features of the package are presented along with the demonstration of accident condition test by numerical simulation. The structural integrity and performance optimization under 9m drop is carried out by numerical simulation using commercial F.E.M software PAM-CRASH. Performance under thermal test assessed by numerical simulation is also presented.